Category: Emotion
30 seconds 2017 Miami International Boat Show
2016 Miami International Boat Show
The Belgian Offshore Challenge: a decade of fun and passion
Anyone who talkes about offshore racing in Belgium comes up with the Belgian Offshore Challenge (BOC). Thomas Vandamme and his passionate enthusiasts as Jean-Marie Van Lancker, Kris Deraedt, Francis Notschaele, Hendrik Goderis – just to name a few, the list is quite long – he and his crew were able to pull it off every time again. Together they made powerboat racing in Belgium fun. Ingrid and Heidi from BMC also supported the events. Aquabikes were a part of the BOC as well. It were great weekends with a saturday night dinner for everyone. For everyone. The BOC was a winning concept, very close to the people. The organizing team has always put the participants and their safety first. I remember it well. These were the key success factors. These guys along with others have invested their own money and lots of time to turn the BOC into a reference that still stands today. It has become a benchmark. Check out the Facebook page. (more…)
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