Sigfried Greve and Gino Passchier of the Searex Team # 66 have kept their new powerboat secret for quiet some time. Finally they broke the radio silence and showed us the brand new and impressive 43 Searex Diva. The powerboat was spotted in Travemunde, Germany while inshore tests were run.
“It’s become a great powerboat”, Gino states. “Today, Saturday, we could not go out onto the sea due to a heavy wind force 6 to 7 blowing from the North East. On Sunday we will perform seatrials if the conditions are favorable. We’re fully confident because so far every test went well and expectations were met.” At the end of last season the team already decided that they would participate in the 2009 P1 season. The 43 Searex Diva will be recognised again by the Cranefields Wine banner. wishes team Searex all the best.