The Ocean Grand Prix engaged the services of Greenlight TV for the whole OGP UIM Endurance Powerboat World Championship 2011 to produce the race footage and distribute it worldwide in a variety of formats ranging from standalone programmes to magazine shows.
OGP is also very happy to announce that we have engaged the services of Martin Allerton (Polygon PR) who will run the International Press Office of OGP. Polygon PR will also be present in the Malta GP and will run the International Press Office there. Bergamo Scuba is the safety team out on the water. OGP do not want to compromise on safety, as this is one of the foundations of the sport. Additionally, the dry pits and race control will be the responsibility of Khiron Security of Mr. John Muscat and his capable team as was done in the past. Additionally, as last year, Timetronik will be responsible for the timekeeping.