What a great 2010 Grand Prix of the Sea it was in Yalta (Ukraine). Lots of cheering enthousiasts, great races, a fantastic stage with nice entertainement and much more. The organizers had spared no effort to bring a near perfect event. The powerboat teams had their problems which is logical in such a high demanding sport. But in all that stress and nail biting timing issues they enjoyed the racing with their known passion.
Those who couldn’t join their fellow team members and had to stay at home, were glued to their cell phone waiting for any news. This event was the kick-off of the brand new Grand Prix of the Sea World Championship 2010 season. Since the topmanagement was changed, Jean-Marie van Lancker called the shots and got an impressive award and a standing ovation for his dedication. Knowing Jean-Marie , he aknowlegded his associates and collaborators. So, interested in the results? We’ve put up the standings and will continue to bring you a dedicated Grand Prix of the Sea website.