Category: Evolution Class
Nigel Hook Powerboat P1 2009 Malta Grand Prix of the Sea
2B1 Racing Team Malta GPS 2010 (Part 2) Furnibo and Spirit of Belgium (Flemish)
NigelHook SilverHook Data Analytics In Powerboating With IBM Bluemix
2B1 Racing Team – GPS 2010 Year Review by Pierre Colpin
2014 – Ibiza World Championship Team Silverline
Scheveningen 2013 official entry list and results
After a sabbath year the GPS is back. Agreed, even though in 2013 it was only one venue and as you will see later and only one round, it felt good to see the teams again and experience that particular beehive in pit. Although 10 teams were expected to participate in the end there were six, 3 in every class (Supersport and Evo). This was the official entry list: (more…)
Most viewed photo on the Powerboating Press picture database
This photo was shot during the Ocean Grand Prix June 12th 2011. It shows the Belgian Powerboat Racing Team 2B1 with Pierre Colpin as pilot and Frank Hemelaer handling the throttles in their Mercury powered Fountain Lighting 42. The powerboat splits a big wave in a dramatic way leaving huge sideways sprays of seawater almost rendering Mozes jealous and then gets airborn showing their Herin propellors. All happened in a second. The photo was taken with a Nikon D300 and is 4 142 x 1 610 large @ 300 dpi. Photographer is Karel Overlaet. Off course the photo hereby has been resized and converted to 72 dpi.
The 2011 OGP World and European Championship titles
Due to the extraordinary circumstances the UIM Council decided at the 2011 General Assembly meeting in Abu Dhabi-UAE that, in spite of the unexpected cancellation of the 2011 OGP Racing season, the 2011 World and European Championship titles in the EVO and SuperSport classes shall be granted under the condition that there is respective mutual agreement between all the drivers. (more…)
77 Lucas Oil MAV-TV at Key West
The 77 Lucas Oil MAV-TV heads to the southernmost location in the USA on November 6 for the week-long racing events at the 31st Annual World Championships in Key West by Superboat International. Key West is a family playground with powder-like beaches, scuba diving off the coral reefs, tropical gardens, exquisite hotels and eclectic restaurants. (more…)